For immediate release: February 16, 2024
CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I. – WI’s “Pantry Challenge”
The provincial board of PEI Women’s Institute and branches are issuing a call for food items through a “pantry challenge” to its over 65 branches and members of the public. WI President Sheila Gallant and her board states “After the holidays we tend to settle into our schedules however its important now more than ever to assist food banks and community fridges during the coldest months of the year”. In recent discussions on the subject with the Department of Agriculture, Minister Bloyce Thompson indicated, “We are hearing and seeing the effects of food insecurity on our Island. The Pantry Challenge is well timed, and something that we encourage all Islanders to support.”
On the successful kick off with the Taking Care of Business, Period – 28 Day Campaign collecting feminine hygiene products for food banks in February, the provincial board collectively states they want to also alleviate hunger during the harshest months of the year. The PEIWI Board of Directors challenges their branches, other non-profit organizations, businesses and members of the public to drop off one or more healthy local and sustainable products to community fridges or PEI food banks over the next few months.
Local and sustainable healthy food is required across PEI. Local food banks, Caring Cupboards, Community Fridges can be contacted for a list of current required and accepted items. As locations vary across PEI, connect with local leaders, groups and social media sites for more information.
Collectively, and with minimal expense, Islanders can ensure all residents are cared for with vital necessities. Examples include canned meat, canned fruit soups, canned vegetables, beans, cheese, potatoes, turnips and carrots, non-alcoholic drinks, hygiene products, diapers, baby wipes, baby formula, and laundry detergent.
The over century old PEI Women's Institute with its roots in agriculture encourages supporting our farmers by purchasing local and supplying to food banks and community pantries. One item per Islander will add up. The campaign runs February and March across PEI.